Learning on the River Dee with Kells Primary School!

10th Jun 2019
by Courtney Rowland

On Friday morning Jess, our Prioritised Salmon Habitat Restoration Officer, was joined along the banks of the River Dee by the enthusiastic pupils of Kells Primary School. This term the pupils of Kells Primary are learning all about Scottish nature.

The pupils of Kells Primary School excited to start exploring the river!
The pupils of Kells Primary School excited to start exploring the river!

This term the pupils of Kells Primary are learning all about Scottish nature. Previously the pupils have even been exploring their local burn for aquatic invertebrates with the help of their teachers. So we decided to take them to a new site to demonstrate electrofishing, a useful survey technique we use to monitor the health and abundance of native fish stocks. The pupils were quick to correctly identify ‘Bob’ the Salmon after learning the differences between salmon and trout parr. The pupils then practised kick sampling so they could compare the differences between this site and their local burn.

All in all it was a wonderful morning on the banks of the River Dee!

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