Salmon fishing rights in Scotland are private heritable titles that are registered separately from land. As such these titles can be bought and sold like any other property.
In Scotland, the cost of the local administration, protection and improvement of the fisheries is privately financed by the proprietors. The district boards finance their work by levying a rate on the salmon fishery owners in the district. Elected representatives of those owners provide the core of the membership of the Board. However, since 1986, the boards are required also to include representatives of salmon anglers and salmon netsmen in the district. A further revision to the constitution of the boards was made in 1999 to allow for even wider representation on the boards by other parties who may have an interest or stake in salmon stocks or fisheries.
Andrew Proudlove
Clerk to the Board (designate)
Fleet District Salmon Fisheries Board
Memory Lane
Gatehouse of Fleet
Telephone: 07587108943
Chairman: Richard Gilbey
Treasurer: see clerk details above
Upper Proprietors: Richard Gilbey (Rusko Estate), Elspeth Sutton (Cally Estate), Kay Paton (Murray-Usher Foundation), Mark Hannay (Cardoness Estate)
Invitees - Galloway Fisheries Trust
The Water of Fleet Salmon Fishery Management Plan (2023 - 2028) is available to view here
Date and location of next meeting: Fleet DSFB AGM - 5:30pm 11th April 2025 at Gatehouse of Fleet Community Centre
Salmon season: 1st May – 31st October (no salmon fishing on a Sunday)
Freshwater invertebrates are relatively common within rivers and burns. They include groups such as insects, molluscs (snails), crustaceans (shrimps) and annelids (worms), amongst others.
A paid internship is available from April 2025 for 6 months to work with Galloway Fisheries Trust on the Solway Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) Control and Knowledge programme Phase 2.
GFT has qualified for the second round of FIRNS funding, allowing us to continue and finalise the development of our Annan Riparian Restoration Network project.