Providing Advice

An important aspect of the work of GFT is the provision of expertise and advice on a wide variety of fishery related topics. This includes planning applications, forestry design plans and Environmental Statements and Impact Assessments. GFT may charge for providing these services.

GFT also provides focused fishery advice.  GFT aims to encourage the sustainable development of freshwater fishing (stillwater and running) across the region.

The creation of new fisheries through either constructing new ponds or opening up inaccessible areas has taken place at a number of locations. GFT is able to assist in the design of new ponds, suitable fish species for introduction and help with the necessary licence applications.

Addressing problems on established fisheries is also undertaken. Key problems where best practice guidance is provided includes control of problem aquatic plants, reducing predation problems and management of bank sides to allow fishing whilst protecting their biodiversity value.

Advice is also provided to ensure fisheries are run in a sustainable manner for the long term. This may include limiting angling pressure / fishing methods or promoting catch and release. GFT plays an important role providing expert advice to companies when planning and completing construction works in or close to water courses.


Latest News

Investigating the prevalence of fungal infected Atlantic salmon at Tongland fish pass.

During the summer this year, we undertook a project (commissioned by Scottish Power) examining why in some years at Tongland fish pass there are a larger number of returning adult Atlantic salmon which are heavily infected with Saprolegnia fungus, in comparison to other years.

Urr timed electrofishing results

A summary of the 2018 timed electrofishing surveys for the Urr are provided. These surveys target salmon fry and provide information on annual fluctuations and distribution across 12 sites spread over the catchment.

The new Saving the Sparling intern starts

We would like to introduce the new Saving the Sparling intern who started on Monday the 17th December. Courtney Rowland will be working for the next 5 months on delivering phase 2 of the Saving the Sparling Project.
