
Administrator/ Office Manager

Mrs Angela Dalrymple

Angela grew up in Galloway and started office life with the local joiner/undertaker before moving on to the Forestry Commission. She has been involved with the Trust since 1991 and took up a permanent post in 1994.

She has the unenviable job of ensuring the Trust office and finances run smoothly and efficiently. Increasingly she plays a pivotal role in the claiming of complex grants. Angela is married with two grown up sons and a daughter and she loves being a granny! She enjoys outdoor activities with her family and looking after the horse and their many dogs!

Angela Dalrymple

Administrator/ Office Manager

Latest News

Sampling Freshwater Macroinvertebrate

Freshwater invertebrates are relatively common within rivers and burns. They include groups such as insects, molluscs (snails), crustaceans (shrimps) and annelids (worms), amongst others.

6 month paid internship with GFT

A paid internship is available from April 2025 for 6 months to work with Galloway Fisheries Trust on the Solway Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) Control and Knowledge programme Phase 2.

GFT secures second round of FIRNS funding for Annan project

GFT has qualified for the second round of FIRNS funding, allowing us to continue and finalise the development of our Annan Riparian Restoration Network project.
