
Invasive Non-Native Species Control Officer

Mrs Tracy Starks

Tracy is delivering the GFT 'Scottish Solway INNS Control and Knowledge Project ' - This project is mainly supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, managed by NatureScot. Additional funding is provided by GFT & Galloway Glens Landscape Project).

Tracy grew up in Malta and from an early age she has shown a passion for environmental and animal care. This took her on a number of volunteering and working roles such as Birdlife Malta and turtle rehabilitation.  In 2010 she moved to Lancaster to study Environmental Biology BSc(Hons) at Lancaster University.  After graduating she moved temporarily to Malta. During this time she took up a teaching job at a local Agricultural College.  In 2014 she moved to Wigtown to work for the RSPB Crook of Baldoon Reserve.  From then on she fell in love with the region and decided to make it home.

She spends her free time enjoying the outdoors, training agility and more with her dogs Bonnie and Wren and gardening with husband Chris.


Tracy Starks

Invasive Non-Native Species Control Officer

Latest News

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