

Miss Emilie Wardhaugh

Emilie recently completed a BSc Marine Biology and a Masters in Biology at Heriot-Watt University. She joined GFT for a 6 month internship from March - September 2023.

Emilie lives locally in Clarencefield, near Dumfries.  She went to St Joseph's College in Dumfries before going to Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.

While studying she has been a volunteer Lab Assistant at the Ecotoxicology and Pathophysiology Aquatic Laboratory at Heriot-Watt supporting various PhD and Post-Doctoral student experiments.  She has also been a keen volunteer at The Solway Firth Partnership.  

Her interests include aquatic ecology and immunology with a focus on climate change and biodiversity loss. 

She joined GFT for a 6 month internship from March - September 2023 supported by The Holywood Trust and Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership.  On completion of the internship she has remained at GFT delivering various GFT projects.   

Emilie Wardhaugh


Latest News

Saving the Sparling update by Courtney Rowland

Courtney is GFT's second Saving the Sparling intern. She has been working towards the arrival of Sparling since she began in December, focusing on education and public engagement. Sparling arrived in the Cree around the 22nd of February. This news story is Courtney's update on how it all went.

Can you help please!

GFT are presently investigating the distribution of North American Signal Crayfish across Galloway and are interested in hearing reports of any recent sightings.

Talking tunnels and turbines in the hazy February sunshine

Two schools were able to make the most of the unseasonably warm weather upon Tongland Dam during their visits to the Galloway Hydro Scheme this week

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