Bladnoch Smolt Run Report 2019

29th Jul 2019
by Kacie Jess

Each spring a fyke net is secured over the inflow to Torhouse Trout Farm which catches any smolts entering from the main stem.

Salmon smolt; note the silver color of its scales
Salmon smolt; note the silver color of its scales

Once a week GFT sampled the smolts captured, taking lengths from each smolt and scaling every third smolt. Other species present were also recorded. The scale samples were read to give the smolts an age in years and the data was analysed to determine whether salmon in the Bladnoch catchment follow normal trends for smoltification. The data was compared to previous years and the project will continue in the future.

This report can be accessed through the Bladnoch DSFB page in the downloads section. 

If you have any questions about this project and the results please contact Kacie Jess at or by calling the office on 01671 403011

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