Creating a new wild path along the River Fleet

31st May 2019
by Courtney Rowland

NSA volunteers have been working hard helping the GFT to create a more accessible wild walk along the banks of the River Fleet.

A gorgeous natural archway making the new Fleet pathway feel wild.
A gorgeous natural archway making the new Fleet pathway feel wild.

Exciting work has been going on along the banks of the River Fleet with the help of the hardworking NSA volunteers. The volunteers have been working to improve access along a section of the river, which will allow more people to enjoy river bank walks.

The group have improved the stability of some of the stiles constructed previously as well as removing woody debris from what is soon to be a beautiful riverbank path. Don’t fear there is still a wild feel to the walk as you make your way through natural tree arches and follow the meandering channel past pools filled with life (we even spotted a large Sea Trout and Atlantic Salmon on our visit)!

Check out the pictures below to see just how much work we’ve been doing!

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