Galloway rivers interactive map

The link below gives access to an interactive map which summaries the distribution of salmon and trout in the main river catchments in Scotland.

Interactive Map

The map also provides some information on the main factors limiting the distribution of salmon and trout in Galloway, as well as the main management actions which need to be undertaken to improve their abundance.

Understanding the distribution of salmon and trout and the factors which limit their distribution is vital for appropriate management actions to be undertaken.  This broad overview highlights some of the key issues in each river sub-catchment area.  It is important to note these summaries are general in nature and will not be appropriate for every water course within each area.  For more detailed information on individual watercourses you should contact Galloway Fisheries Trust.

On the interactive map salmon and trout populations are described as:

This suggests that in general, but not necessarily everywhere, the population densities are relatively healthy.  They are likely to be close to the carrying capacity for the habitat available.  

This suggests that in general, but not necessarily everywhere, the populations are lower than would be expected when considering the instream habitats present.    

No individuals of this species are present.

This project was supported by an ‘International Year of the Salmon’ small grant via NASCO.

International Year of the Salmon


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