Bladnoch District Salmon Fishery Board

Salmon fishing rights in Scotland are private heritable titles that are registered separately from land. As such, these titles can be bought and sold like any other property.

Role of DSFB

Salmon fishing rights in Scotland are private heritable titles that are registered separately from land.  As such, these titles can be bought and sold like any other property. In Scotland, the cost of the local administration, protection and improvement of the fisheries is privately financed by the proprietors. The district boards finance their work by levying a rate on the salmon fishery owners in the district.  Elected representatives of those owners provide the core of the membership of the Board.  However, since 1986, the boards are required also to include representatives of salmon anglers and salmon netsmen in the district.  A further revision to the constitution of the boards was made in 1999 to allow for even wider representation on the boards by other parties who may have an interest or stake in salmon stocks or fisheries.

Powers and Duties

The powers and duties of a DSFB are summarised below.

  • to act, undertake works and incur expenses for the protection and improvement of the fisheries within their districts, for the increase of salmon and sea trout and the stocking of the district with these fish.
  • to impose financial assessments on each salmon fishery in the district, and to charge interest on arrears.
  • to borrow funds, and to incur a wide range of expenditure in furtherance of their powers and duties.
  • to appoint bailiffs to enforce the salmon fisheries legislation.
  • exempt persons from certain provisions of the law for scientific or other purposes.
  • to sue in the name of the clerk.


  • to appoint a clerk.
  • to maintain a list of proprietors within the DSFB's district.
  • to produce an annual report and audited accounts and to consider these at an AGM.
  • to call a triennial electoral meeting.

Clerk (Contact details)

Peter Matthews
AB&A Matthews
Bank of Scotland Buildings
Newton Stewart

DSFB Membership

Chairman: Charlie McNeill

Upper Proprietors: Sir Michael Wigan, Jonathan Haley, Richard Scott, Andrew Gladstone and Mark Godfrey, Mark Davies (Co-optee), and Charlie McNeill 

Angling Representatives: 

Invitees: NatureScot and the Galloway Fisheries Trust


The Bladnoch Salmon Fishery Management Plan (2023 - 2028) is available to view here

Date and location of next meeting: The following dates and times have been agreed for the next Board meeting in 2024:

- 19th November at 5:10pm at Kirkcowan Village Hall

- 2024 AGM will be on 19th November at 5:30pm at Kirkcowan Village Hall 

DSFB Conservation Policy

Salmon season: 11th February – 31st October (no salmon fishing on a Sunday).

The river has been classified as Category 3 by Marine Scotland for season 2024 which means that exploitation of salmon is not allowed.  All salmon caught must be returned to the river immediately after being caught.

The Bladnoch DSFB requests all anglers to adhere to their recommended rules:

Bladnoch and District Salmon Fishery Board Rules 2024

Seasons    Salmon/Sea Trout:                11th February to 31st October

Brown Trout:                                            15th March to 6th October


  • No Sunday Fishing for game fish.
  • All salmon/grilse caught must be reported to the beat or fishery administrator on the day of capture.
  • During salmon close season no fishing except using dead bait.
  • No prawning, shrimping or use of live bait except worm, which must be on a single hook.  No worm fishing before 1st May and after 1st October.
  • A single brown trout over 10 in long may be retained each day.
  • Eels are a protected species and must be carefully returned to the water.
  • No ledgering or gaffing. No use of net except to aid landing of a fish caught on rod and line.
  • Fishing is to be by use of a single rod which must be hand held.
  • Spinning baits or lures should have no more than two treble hooks.
  • A fisherman arriving at a pool already occupied should start fishing upstream of the person there and each should move downstream one step per cast. Always fish in a courteous manner.
  • Wading is generally unnecessary and is discouraged.
  • All anglers must undertake Bio security measures before fishing.
  • All anglers are encouraged to have pliers with them when fishing.
  • You must show your permit when asked to by watchers and other authorised persons and allow inspection of your tackle.
  • You must do everything you can to help prevent poaching and illegal fishing.
  • Dogs are not allowed except by express permission of the land owner and the fishing proprietor.
  • Do no harm to the environment, take away all litter, leave trees, plants, birds and other wildlife alone. Leave no trace of your visit.


Bladnoch DSFB 2016 Accounts
Bladnoch DSFB 2016 Accounts


Income & Expenditure Account for the year to 31st August 2017
Income & Expenditure Account for the year to 31st August 2017


Bladnoch DFSB AGM minutes 12th December 2017
Bladnoch DSFB AGM minutes 2017


Bladnoch DSFB AGM minutes 21st November 2016
Bladnoch DSFB AGM minutes 21st November 2016


Minutes of meeting held on 18th May 2016 (Bladnoch)
Minutes of meeting held on 18th May 2016 (Bladnoch)


Minutes of meeting held on 21st August 2017 (Bladnoch)
Minutes of meeting held on 21st August 2017 (Bladnoch)


Minutes of meeting held on 20th September 2016 (Bladnoch)
Minutes of meeting held on 20th September 2016 (Bladnoch)


Chairmans Report 2016
Chairmans Report 2016


Agenda for Bladnoch GM 12th February 2019
Agenda for Bladnoch GM 12th February 2019


Minutes of meeting held on 4th September 2018
Minutes of meeting held on 4th September 2018


Bladnoch DSFB meeting 7th May 2019


Bladnoch Smolt Report 2019


Bladnoch Board Meeting Minutes
4th February 2020


Signed minutes 4th Feb 2020


Minutes of last meeting, 6th April 2021


BDSFB Minutes- 12th October 2021


Bladnoch DSFB accounts 2021 2022
Bladnoch DSFB Accounts for 2021 - 2022


Water Quality Research 2019 2020
This report covers various water quality work completed by GFT in the winter 2019 and spring 2020 supported by Peatland Action


2018 Upper Bladnoch Study
A look at habitats and water quality in the upper Bladnoch catchment


Bladnoch 2023 2024 Water Quality Monitoring Report
Report of GFT water quality monitoring work on the River Bladnoch catchment covering winter 2023 and spring 2024



Latest News

Improving fish passage and river flow below Tongland Dam

SEPA have been undertaking a review of the current CAR license which the Galloway Hydro Scheme operates under.

Kirkcowan Fishing Competition

On Saturday 26th August we held our annual Kirkcowan Fishing Competition. 35 adults and 12 juniors entered the competition this year, providing a fund of £211 that is put back into the event via prizes and a buffet.

Its insect week!

Riparian zones bridge the gap between land and river, creating an important habitat for insects while also providing shade and protection against erosion. We do a lot of habitat work mainly to help aquatic species like fish, but we are keen to monitor and understand the wider biodiversity benefits.

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